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Wednesday 18 November 2015

skin tips for men

1. Clean your skin
For most men, the skin tends to be fat all day in some areas, even in winter. Excess oil can stick to the skin and block the pores, preventing the razor to slide along the skin gently. So before you shave, wash your face with facial soap and water to make sure there is no obstruction.

2. Prepare for shaving
Before you remove the knife, Ricci suggests splashing your face with warm water after cleaning, which will open the pores. Then apply a light coating pre-shave cream, gel or mousse to keep warm moist skin. The skin smoother, closer shave more.

3. Multitasking for a better shave
Another way to simplify is to make shaving in the shower. Not only saves time, moisture from the shower will keep your skin moist and enlarged pores and even make softer and easier to remove hair.

4. Follow your hair growth
According to Ricci, the popular belief that shaving against the direction of hair growth is better is not necessarily true. Shaving this way can actually cause irritation and can also damage the hair. For a more comfortable shave, they move in the same direction as hair growth.

5. Choose the Right Knife
Knives can be one or more blades. If you like to spend the least possible time to shave, you can go for a razor with three or five blades. The important thing to remember is that you should feel comfortable with your razor and do not apply too much pressure, as this can cause irritation.

6. Take your time
Skin is more easily damaged if it makes rapid movements with his razor or apply your cream too fast. Give yourself enough to shave in the morning and wait a few minutes between washing, apply shaving cream before shaving time.

7. Use Day and Night Moisturizer
Applying cream to your skin day and night will keep you hydrated, allowing for a smoother shave. Moisture will also help prevent cuts and irritation. Look for moisturizers with natural moisturizing ingredients like vitamin E, shea butter and essential oils.

important tips for maintaining healthy skin

Essential Tips for maintaining healthy skin
Woman washing her face When is the last time you thought about your skin beyond the concern about a wrinkle or praying for a pimple it has gone before an important event? The reality is that your skin is much more than a superior wash, cream and composite layer. Your skin is the primary defense system of the body against disease. As such, it might be time been treated with more respect.
Skin: the basics
Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It provides a thin, yet highly effective barrier to billions of health threats (called pathogens) that are in the world who would love nothing more than to sneak past the defenses of the skin and make you sick. But if you do not take care of your skin daily, it can be dry, rough and cracked, providing an opening for pathogens that can harm your health.
Skin plays other roles in your overall health, too. It helps you keep cool or warm, it insulates, stores energy and provides sensation by touch so you can interact with the outside world beyond what he sees and hears.
Maintaining skin health
Many things in the environment are harmful to the skin. Environmental pollution, ultra-violent light (sun), extreme temperatures, wind, sweating and use of skin products that can be wrong all the damage that important outer layer.
The good news is that you have the power to maintain healthy skin. Among the steps you can take:
Essential Tips for maintaining healthy skin
Protect your skin from the sun. That means using a sunscreen SPF 30 on your face every day, even on days that will not leave the house or office and even in day the sun does not shine. That is because it is still exposed to harmful ultraviolet rays through windows and clouds. Fortunately, today it is fairly easy to ensure coverage of sunscreen; many moisturizers and even liquid and powder makeup contain sunscreen.
When you are in the sun, slather the sunscreen. You should use enough to fill a glass every time you apply (in fact, the way to keep a glass in your beach bag?). And wear a wide-brimmed hat; those baseball caps might be cute, but they are not doing much to keep the sun off the ears and the back of his neck.
Protect your skin from dryness. The epidermis is composed of about 30 percent water, much of which is attached in the lipids to help prevent water evaporation. You can increase your skin's ability to retain water using a good quality moisturizer. Natural moisturizing ingredients include citrate, various minerals, urea, lactate and amino acids.
Clean your skin properly. Water alone will not. You need something to clean the oily residue that can clog pores and cause pimples. The compounds that do this are called surfactants. But stay away from soap; Most soaps are alkaline, which can change the delicate pH balance of your skin and cause itching, redness, flaking and dryness. Instead, opt for liquid cleansers and cleansing creams with natural ingredients like beeswax and mineral oil to loosen the dirt. Other ingredients include vegetable and moisture replenishment fruit oils and less irritating surfactants such as coconut oil (cocamidopropyl), amphoteric surfactants, alkyl ether sulfates and alkyl glyceryl ether sulfonate.
Relax on the way to wash the skin. Ditch the buffer rough scrub or washcloth and opt instead for just splashing hot water on your skin to remove cleaner or a soft cloth. You also do not need to wash your face more than twice a day. And be sure to wash with warm water, not hot water.
Check your skin carefully. If you are 40 or older, you should have a health professional perform a total body scan every year for signs of skin cancer. If you're younger, you should get a body scan every three years. And all women should regularly examine their own skin.
Remember, your skin is one of the most important in your quest for good health components. Just as you take care of your body from the inside out by eating right and exercising, you need to take care of your body from the outside, by protecting the skin, as the most important barrier.

tips for glowing skin

1. slather on sunscreen
We know, we know-you've heard a million times, but the use of sunscreen is the easiest way to look younger for life. "Ninety percent of the wrinkles are sun exposure," says Day. "It's much easier to prevent damage than it is to fix it later." That means no loose during the winter months or when the rays are so strong and can be reflected from buildings and pavements. Look for a formula that offers broad spectrum protection to protect against UVA rays (which cause premature aging) and UVB (one of the main causes of skin cancer). Try shelter Philosophy sunscreen broad spectrum SPF30 (£ 22.50, Selfridges).

2. Clean your makeup brushes
A British study found that 72% of women never wash his brushes or sponges, although it collects dirt and bacteria that can cause breakouts. "You should wash brushes loose powder every two or three weeks, and those used to implement the database once a week," says Jessica Wu, a dermatologist and author of feeding your face based in Los Angeles. Mix a few drops of mild facial cleanser or shampoo and warm water in a cup, swish around his brush, rinse with warm water, dry and lay flat to dry air.

3. chew MIXED NUTS
Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, which increases the elasticity of the skin and can reduce skin cancer, according to recent studies. Throw in the nuts-which are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and curb outbreaks, says Molly Morgan, Board Certified Sports dietitian and author of The Rules set Specialist. Finally, add some macadamia nuts. "They are full of high quality oils and fatty acids that help in skin repair and rejuvenation," says integrative physician Isaac Eliaz. Try to keep a handful of each day to get the benefits of pores refined.

4. Start using SERUM
"It is much more concentrated than the cream or lotion, which tend to need only a small amount daily to see results," says Fran Cook-Bolden, director of New York's skin Specialty Dermatology. Look for one with antioxidants, skin important defense against free radicals and stress, and pentapeptides, which are a must when it comes to boosting collagen tool, the support structure that gives skin a firm, youthful appearance. Do not worry about spending a fortune on ingredients; a favorite of Cook-Bolden is Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Serum (£ 24.45, Cosmetics Now), a pure formula which small molecules can dive deep into the pores. For best results, apply to freshly washed skin; follow with sunscreen or moisturizer to lock in hydration.

5. disinfect SMARTPHONE
A study by Stanford University, the iPhone can not keep their hands off can get more germ-infested toilet in a public restroom. In fact, glass touch screens on mobile devices are so good at spreading viruses that sharing can be almost as bad as sneezing in someone's face. Here's a scary thought: All those germs land directly on his cheek and jaw every time chatting away, causing stains and irritation. To keep the phone (and expensive) free of bacteria, clean with an antibacterial wipe as Clorox disinfecting wipes a few times a day.

The sequence in which the product is applied may be even more important than the products themselves. Reach for those with the most active ingredients as you wash and dry the skin. "These are the most powerful, so they want to come into direct contact with your skin," says Syed Amiry, a dermatologist practicing in Reston, Virginia. If you are using more than one active product (such as an antioxidant serum and Retin-A), start with the finest. "Anything that soluble in water should come first, followed by a product that is thicker and creamier. If you do it upside down, heavy cream block ingredients lighter penetrate the skin, so you will not have no impact. "If you need moisturizer, which is the next in line, followed by-what else? -sunscreen each morning.

"The dairy-even those that are organic beef containing hormones that stimulate oil glands and pores, leading to acne," Wu explains. Watch out for hidden dairy foods such as salad dressings, protein bars and shakes. And if you have to go there, stick to skim milk. "Hormones are concentrated in fat, so it is your best choice."

8. Start using RETINOL
"Everyone should use retinol," says New York dermatologist Doris Day. "He has decades of clinical data to support its effectiveness, helps skin cell renewal and increases the production of collagen to keep skin firm and young." Most dermatologists agree that if you only use an anti-aging product, prescription Retin-A (and even highstreet Extreme versions as wrinkle Moisturizer, £ 41.40, this works) is the magic bullet, and may even reverse abnormal and cancerous growth, among other forms of sun damage. "It has great anti-inflammatory effects that is why it is so effective in treating acne, as it is in the treatment of wrinkles and other signs of aging," says Amiry.

9. EARLY hit the sack
We know you've heard it all before, but it's called beauty sleep for a reason. "Lack of sleep decreases circulation, so you look pale and washed if you only get a couple of hours," says Amy Wechsler, one of two American doctors board-certified in both dermatology and psychiatry. It is also the best time to rejuvenate your skin. "Team cell renewal your body has the night shift, so this is when you want to provide your skin with more nutrients and ingredients you need to do a good job moisturizing" he says.

To maximize your beauty sleep, check out these purchases 7 operating while sleeping beauty

10. Exfoliate for smaller pores LOOKING
It's amazing how something so small can feel so great, but the pores are one of the most common complaints of beauty. "The pores appear larger when they are full of dirt, oil, dead skin cells and keratin, a protein that lives on the surface of the skin," explains Amiry. "Remove the caps, and seem to diminish." To clean dirt, start exfoliating regularly with daily applications of salicylic and glycolic acid, such as Murad Exfoliating Acne Treatment Gel (£ 51, Murad). Then add a cleaning system (as Clarisonic Mia 2 £ 125, Clarisonic) to soften the skin and clean the dead cells from the surface. To keep the pores to get even bigger as you get older, practice safe sun. "Sun damage breaks down collagen, which can affect the size of the pores as well."

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11. Give your skin a drink of MERLOT
Resveratrol, a powerful polyphenol and antioxidant found in red grape skins, has been found to prevent lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin caused by saboteurs as environmental pollution and secondhand smoke. "In many preparations, is a more potent antioxidant than vitamin C, and studies show that creates mild to moderate skin tightening for a firmer look," says research scientist and board certified dermatologist Erin Gilbert. Apply a small pump Skinceuticals CE Ferulic Serum (£ 70 direct Dermacare) each night to fill lines and smooth skin texture.

12. Do not neglect your neck and chest
Most of us are guilty of stop our skin care routine as soon as we arrived at our chin. And our neck and chest neglected to take revenge for wrinkling, sagging, and viewing of dark spots that ask to be hidden by a turtleneck. "The skin of these areas is thinner and has no blood supply strong, so as not to be cured," explains Amiry. "Plus it is an area that we often forget to protect with sunscreen." Use the same products as you would in your face, but start light (every other day) in the application of active ingredients such as retinol or acids, as they may cause some initial irritation.

Leaving makeup and dirt on the skin not only clog pores; can cause excessive dryness and even skin dandruff. "Most makeup contains a type of sugar molecule that can grow yeast overnight," says Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Yale School of Medicine. Do not forget to completely remove eye makeup too. "It can lead to uneven eruptions around the eyes and small white bumps called milia cysts," says Wu. Try rinsing eye makeup solvent, (£ 18 Clinique) a mild, oil-free rapidly melts away everything from mascara waterproof coating.

14. being without sleep?
Pick up some soy milk. Wu holds a cardboard box in the fridge at all times to "fake a good night's sleep." The natural anti-inflammatory reduces swelling while soy proteins moisturise the skin to soften the appearance of crow's feet. The cold temperature helps reduce swelling, and constricts the veins to make eyes look less bloodshot. To compress busting soothing redness, pour a small amount of soy milk in a bowl, dunk two cotton balls and squeeze out the excess. Then hold cotton balls over the eyes (or any other area where you have red or irritated skin) for five minutes.

15. ROLL AWAY THIS MORNING her swollen eyes
"The fluid filled before our eyes every night because we're lying," says Anne Chapas dermatologic surgeon. Start by sleeping on two pillows to raise your face. In the morning, massage the excess fluid with Garnier Eye Roll-On (£ 6.49, Boots) caffeine, hand pushing fluid. To reduce dark shadows, use your finger to tap GinZing Eye Cream (£ 23 Origins), which contains caffeine, in the sensitive area. "Caffeine constricts the vessels to minimize leakage, which causes darkening, while titanium dioxide, mica, iron oxides and reflects light to illuminate away."

A steam shower may feel good, but it's one of the worst things you can do for your skin. Not only essential oils hot strip, but it creates a slight burn. Blood vessels by dilating respond in an effort to cool the skin, causing redness and ruddiness. "When you're in your twenties, you can take a hot shower, be red and swollen and recover in an hour, but in their thirties, it may take two hours," says Alexiades-Armenakas. "By the forties, her skin just does not have the ability to reduce to its original state, so you stay ruddy all the time."

17. Do not wait to hydrate
Most creams and lotions are key ingredients that create a protective barrier on the surface of the skin to retain moisture, but because the skin is cooled by evaporation of water, just a few minutes before the moisture is gone always. Slather on a moisturizer with natural silica, while your face is still damp. Research Alexiades-Armenakas' shows that locks in moisture up to 24 hours, fat and improve the appearance of fine lines, skin moisture drinks (as the difference between a raisin and a grape). Try Kings Deep Moisturizing Face Cream (£ 19.50 Aranais).

18. Be very careful when DEFUZZING YOUR FACE
Waxing and tweezing can cause scars or blemishes, especially for women with darker skin. PREP your skin before waxing washing area with an antibacterial wash, suggests Cook-Bolden. And to prevent discoloration, be sure to have an aftercare plan that includes anti-inflammatory ingredients to quickly calm the skin and help heal. Cook-Bolden recommended some Cicalfate Avene Restorative Cream (£ 19.45, now Cosmetics) immediately after waxing, and a few days later. "The investment in this type of product that will save money in the long term and prevent fading costs much less to try to get rid of."

Adding a food rich in lycopene, such as treatment of this juicy pink "helps reduce the damage and redness caused by sun exposure, prevents future wrinkles and even reduce the risk of skin cancer," says Elizabeth Somer, dietitian and author of Food for appealing. Aim for one cup each day tossed in salads, sauces, and smoothies. Or try your recipe to cool ice cubes: watermelon puree, sweetened with apple juice concentrate, poured into an ice tray and freeze. Then add the cubes of water (sparkling or still) for a refreshing cocktail saving the skin.

20. exfoliate ... without rubbing
"Over time, the natural enzymes in the skin work less effective in removing dead skin cells, so hold on and prevent your skin to reflect light," says Wechsler. The result? You look gray ash. Accelerate skin cell renewal and smooth the surface with alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) such as glycolic or lactic acid. But beware: Although a lot of products include AHA concentration is often too low to do much. "Look at the label to see how much it contains and pick one that is about 8%. Anything else is too." It expects some initial sting at first; which should disappear as your skin gets used to it.

21. SLIP ON your sunglasses
As if you need another reason to buy a new pair of sunglasses, it offers more protection against wrinkles under the eyes and aging sunscreen. "While his eyes are equipped to handle the sunlight, the area around them is formed by the thinnest skin, where most of the signs of aging are," says Amiry. "Every time squinting from the bright light that is creating lines that movement of repetition." To keep wrinkles away, choose a pair of polarized glasses that is wide enough to completely cover the eye area.

Here are the 10 best sunglasses

22. Drink an additional glass of water
"Water helps flush the toxins that cause inflammation and blemishes," explains Eliaz. "It also helps to transport nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the skin and prevent dehydration, which can cause premature aging." You can even make the skin appear fuller and hyaluronic acid that occurs naturally in the skin to pull and hold water for a wrinkle effect of fat, depending on the day. Both recommend at least 8 glasses of water every day, more if you are active or live in a warm climate. To add a little spice, try a tea to soothe the skin, such as chamomile or mint.

If your skin has a case of the heaviness, lack of zinc may be the culprit. "People who are trying to lose weight or eat a lot of processed foods may not be getting enough zinc to keep your skin radiant," says Wechsler. And because zinc helps repair damaged tissue and heal wounds, but also helps to eliminate acne and other conditions of the skin irritants. One cup of Cheerios has 25 percent of the recommended daily value of this powerful nutrient, which will take you on your way to a clear complexion.

24. Be patient with your products
We're all in a hurry to see results, but putting the brakes can ensure that the results you get are positive. When you are starting a new product, use it every other day, and never try some new purchases at a time. "Even if you just got a new system of skin care, the introduction of a product every three or four days at least," says Cook-Bolden. "You rarely experience dryness, irritation and burning. And if you do, you will know immediately who is to blame." Give any new potion at least 12 weeks (and up to 6 months) to see if it really improve your skin before calling it quits.

25. Lower FRIES
Research shows that a diet high in fat and carbohydrates causes more wrinkles. "Creamy cheeses and red meats are actually known as aging fat because of what they do to our skin," says Wechsler. To maintain its rapid and rejuvenated cells, stick to lean proteins such as fish, white meat poultry, tofu, beans and lentils.

26. Do not forget your VEGETABLE
Look for an anti-aging cream that has antioxidants of plant origin, such as mushrooms or soy. Laboratory data Alexiades-Armenakas' shows that the level of uptake of free radical-antioxidant (ie, young warriors who fight all the bad things that cause premature aging) with antioxidants from plants is through the roof. "The plants have anti-cancer properties when we eat, which means that survive the digestive process," she says. "Think about what that means for their long powerful benefits when applied directly to the skin." Try Dr. Andrew Weil Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief Advanced Face Serum (£ 46, Origen).

27. eat broccoli
Move over, oranges. "Just a half cup of raw broccoli is loaded with 65 percent of your daily value of vitamin C," says Morgan. Research shows that foods rich in vitamin C not only absorb free radicals that cause wrinkles and sagging, but can help eliminate DNA damage that form. While you are reaping wound healing and skin protective benefits of eating more vitamin C, try to soften a bit in your skin too. In one study, women who treated the sun-damaged skin with a vitamin C cream for six months saw a significant improvement in fine lines and discoloration.

"Harvesting even slightly can permanently damage the skin," says Amiry. "In fact, I have patients whose skin cleared up without medication, only because they stopped touching." Each time it is pressed against a pimple, causing inflammation and skin discomfort. At the same time, bacteria is pushed inside the pore, sebaceous glands and explode, even causing more trauma. The result? More acne, besides discoloration and scars. If you are really hooked to explode, leave it to the pros and schedule regular monthly withdrawals with a beautician who knows how to do it safely and smoothly.

29. BERRY prepare a tasty treat for your skin
A powerful potion (cheap!) Anti-aging is hidden right in your refrigerator. Raspberries are loaded with ellagic acid, an antioxidant which research shows can prevent wrinkles when applied to the skin. "Collagen that keeps the plump and beautiful to be worn by the sun are protected," says Wu. Add in honey, a natural moisturizer that binds water to the skin for maximum moisture, and you have a recipe for gorgeous, dewey skin. Grind a handful of raspberries with a spoonful of honey and apply the mask on clean skin for 15-20 minutes. Rinse and dry.

Antioxidants such as vitamin C offer an additional layer of protection against new environmental damage and toxins, shifting before they can damage cells. "That's why its application as part of his morning routine increases the effectiveness of your sunscreen," explains Amiry. "It is important to know that sunscreens are chemicals that you apply to your skin and absorbed into the body. Therefore, use a light daily sunscreen with SPF 15 and vitamin C and a high sunscreen (about 30) every two hours if you are outdoors for a long period of time. "

tips for healthy skin for women

Skin Care: 5 Tips for healthy skin
Good skin care - including sun protection and gentle cleansing - can keep your skin healthy and glowing for years to come.

You do not have time for intensive skin care? You can still treat yourself to excel in the basics. Good skin care and healthy lifestyle can help delay the natural aging process and prevent various skin problems. Start with these five tips meaningless.

1. Protect yourself from the sun

One of the most important ways to care for your skin is to protect it from the sun. A lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems - as well as increase the risk of skin cancer.

For the most complete sun protection:

Use sunscreen. Use a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. Apply sunscreen generously and reapply every two hours - or more often if you are swimming or sweating.
Seek shade. Avoid the sun between 10am and 2pm, when the sun's rays are strongest.
Wear protective clothing. Cover your skin with long sleeves tightly woven, long pants and wide-brimmed hats. Also consider laundry additives, which give clothing an additional layer of ultraviolet protection for a certain number of washes, or special sun protective clothing - which is specifically designed to block ultraviolet rays.
2. Do not smoke

Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. Smoking reduces the small blood vessels in the outermost layers of the skin, which decreases blood flow. This reduces the skin of oxygen and nutrients that are important for skin health.

Smoking also damages collagen and elastin - the fibers that give strength and elasticity of the skin. In addition, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking - such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out the smoke - may contribute to wrinkles.

If you smoke, the best way to protect your skin is to quit. Ask your doctor for tips or treatments to help quit smoking.

3. Treat your skin gently

Daily cleansing and shaving can take a toll on your skin. To keep it smooth:

Limit bath time. Showers or hot baths and long eliminate skin oils. Limit your bath or shower time, and use warm - rather than hot - water.
Avoid strong soaps. Strong soaps and detergents can remove skin oils. Instead, choose mild cleansers.
Shaving carefully. To protect and lubricate your skin, apply shaving cream, lotion or gel before shaving. For the closest shave, use a clean razor sharp. Shave in the direction the hair grows, not against it.
I know that. After washing or bathing, gently pat or blotted dry skin with a towel so that some moisture remains on your skin.
Moisturize dry skin. If your skin is dry, use a moisturizer that suits your skin type. For daily use, consider a moisturizer that contains SPF.

4. Eat a healthy diet

A healthy diet can help you look and feel your best. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. The association between diet and acne is not clear - but some research suggests that a diet rich in vitamin C and low in unhealthy fats and processed or refined carbohydrates might promote younger looking skin.

5. Manage stress

Controlled stress can not make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and other skin problems. To encourage healthy skin - and a healthy state of mind - take steps to manage your stress. Set reasonable limits, scale back your to-do list and make time to do things you enjoy. The results could be more dramatic than expected.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

tips for children developing healthy habits

You can help your child develop healthy habits early in life that bring benefits for life. As a parent you can encourage your children to assess their food choices and physical activity habits. Here are some tips and guidelines to get you started.

1.Be a good role model - do not have to be perfect all the time but if kids see that try to eat right and exercise, which will take note of their efforts. You are about to send a message that good health is important to your family.

2.Keep positive things - Kid do not like to hear what you can not do, tell them what they can do instead. Make it fun and positive. Everyone likes to be praised for a job well done. Celebrate successes and help children and teens develop a good self-image.

3.Get whole family move - Plan time for everyone to get moving together. Go hiking, biking, swimming, garden or just play hide and seek outside. Everyone will benefit from the exercise and the time together.

4.Be realistic - Set realistic goals and boundaries are key to the adoption of any new behavior. Small steps and gradual changes can make a big difference in your health over time, so start small and build up.

5.Limit TV, video games and computer - These habits lead to a sedentary lifestyle and excessive snacking, which increase risks for obesity and cardiovascular disease. Limit screen time to 2 hours per day.

6.Encourage physical activities that are really going to enjoy - Each child is unique. Let your child experiment with different activities until you find something you really enjoy doing. They stay with it longer if they love it. check out these activities for children.

7.Pick rewards really rewarding - Do not reward children with television, video games, sweets or snacks for a job well done. Find other ways to celebrate good behavior.

8. Make dinnertime family time - When everyone sits down to eat, there's less chance of children eating the wrong foods or snacking too. Get your kids involved in cooking and planning meals. Everyone good eating habits together and the quality time with the family will be an added advantage develops.

9.Make a game of reading food labels - The whole family can learn what is good for their health and be more conscious of what they eat. It's a habit that helps change behavior for a lifetime. More information about reading nutrition labels.

10.Stay involved - Be an advocate for healthier children. Insist on good food choices at school. Ensure that healthcare providers are monitoring their children's cardiovascular indicators like BMI, blood pressure and cholesterol. Contact public officials on matters of the heart. Make your voice heard.

Tips for the diet plan of kids

It's no surprise that parents may need some help understanding what it means to eat healthy. From My Plate food guide to the latest food trends, it can be very confusing.

The good news is you do not need a degree in nutrition to raise healthy children. Following some basic guidelines can help encourage their children to eat well and maintain a healthy weight.

Here are 10 key rules to live by:

1. Parents control the supply lines. You decide which foods to buy and when to serve them. Although children are bothered by their parents for less nutritious foods, adults should be in charge when deciding which foods are regularly stored in the house. The children do not go hungry. They eat what's available in the cupboard and fridge at home. If your favorite snack is not as nutritious, you can still buy it occasionally so they do not feel deprived.

2. In the food offered, children can choose what they will eat or whether to eat anything. Children need to have a say in the matter. Set meal times and regular snacks. From the selections you offer, let them choose what to eat and how much of what they want. This may seem a little too freely. But if you follow step 1, your kids will be choosing only from the foods you buy and serve.

3.Quit the "clean plate club." Let kids stop eating when they feel they have had enough. Many parents grew up under the rule of cleaning the plate, but that approach does not help kids listen to their own bodies when they feel full. When children notice and respond to feelings of fullness, it is less likely to overeat.

4.Start them young. Food preferences are developed early in life, so offer variety. Likes and dislikes begin forming even when kids are babies. You may have to serve a new food several times different for a child to accept it. Do not force a child to eat, but offer a few bites. With older, ask children to try a bite.

5.Rewrite children's menu. Who says kids only want to eat hot dogs, pizza, burgers, and macaroni and cheese? When eating out, let your children try new foods and they might surprise you with their willingness to experiment. Start by letting try a little of everything that we ask or ordering an appetizer for them to try.

6.Drink count calories. Soda and other sugary drinks add extra calories and in the way of good nutrition. Water and milk are the best drinks for children. Juice is good when it is at 100%, but kids do not need much of it - 4-6 ounces a day is enough for preschoolers.

7.Put sweets instead. Occasional sweets are fine, but no dessert to become the main reason for eating dinner. When dessert is the prize for eating dinner, kids naturally place more value on the cupcake than the broccoli. Try to stay neutral about foods.

8.Food is not love. Find better ways to say "I love you". When foods are used to reward kids and show affection, they can begin to use food to deal with stress or other emotions. Offer hugs, praise and attention instead of candy.

9.Kids do what they do. Be a role model and eat healthy yourself. When it comes to teaching good eating habits, try to set the best possible example. Choose nutritious snacks, eat at the table, and do not skip meals.

10.Limit TV and computer. When you do, you'll avoid mindless snacks and encourage business. Research has shown that children who cut down on TV-watching also reduced their percentage of body fat. When the TV and computer are limited, you will find more active things to do. And limiting "screen time" means that you have more time to be active together.

lehanga for kids

This is one more cute collection of lehangas. For this lehanga we used a shining net cloth  on which we made a mirror work.

We used a combination of blue and gold for this lehanga n for the mirror work we used multi colour threads. First we made a path with the gold tissue cloth as a border for the net cloth for lehanga. Then we used a sequence of mirror work for the lehanga as shown in the picture and a sngle mirror in between the empty space of the lehanga.

For the blouse part we used a golden colour tissue cloth for which we have made a mirror design as shown in the picture.