Wednesday 18 November 2015

skin tips for men

1. Clean your skin
For most men, the skin tends to be fat all day in some areas, even in winter. Excess oil can stick to the skin and block the pores, preventing the razor to slide along the skin gently. So before you shave, wash your face with facial soap and water to make sure there is no obstruction.

2. Prepare for shaving
Before you remove the knife, Ricci suggests splashing your face with warm water after cleaning, which will open the pores. Then apply a light coating pre-shave cream, gel or mousse to keep warm moist skin. The skin smoother, closer shave more.

3. Multitasking for a better shave
Another way to simplify is to make shaving in the shower. Not only saves time, moisture from the shower will keep your skin moist and enlarged pores and even make softer and easier to remove hair.

4. Follow your hair growth
According to Ricci, the popular belief that shaving against the direction of hair growth is better is not necessarily true. Shaving this way can actually cause irritation and can also damage the hair. For a more comfortable shave, they move in the same direction as hair growth.

5. Choose the Right Knife
Knives can be one or more blades. If you like to spend the least possible time to shave, you can go for a razor with three or five blades. The important thing to remember is that you should feel comfortable with your razor and do not apply too much pressure, as this can cause irritation.

6. Take your time
Skin is more easily damaged if it makes rapid movements with his razor or apply your cream too fast. Give yourself enough to shave in the morning and wait a few minutes between washing, apply shaving cream before shaving time.

7. Use Day and Night Moisturizer
Applying cream to your skin day and night will keep you hydrated, allowing for a smoother shave. Moisture will also help prevent cuts and irritation. Look for moisturizers with natural moisturizing ingredients like vitamin E, shea butter and essential oils.


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